You searched for: “czech months
Czech (C"esky;) months
leden (January)
únor (February)
br'ezen (March)
duben (April)
kve]ten (May)
c'erven (June)
c'ervenec (July)
srpen (August)
zár'í (September)
r'íjen (October)
listopad (November)
prosinec (December)

—Based on information from:

Eastern Europe Phrasebook by Richard Nebesky; Lonely Planet Publications;
Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia; 1992.

Berlitz East European Phrase Book, Berlitz Publishing Company, Ltd.;
Oxford, England; 1995.

Calendar: Praha 1996 by Ivan Král, Prag, Czech Republic, 1995.

This entry is located in the following unit: Calendar Names of Days and Months in Different Languages (page 3)